Barbara HendricksThomas HampsonChrista LudwigLucia PoppAndreas SchmidtThe New York Philharmonic OrchestraRoyal Concertgebouw OrchestraWiener PhilarmonikerHelmut Wittek
Listen "Mahler - The Complete Symphonies And Orchestral Songs - Bernstein" by Barbara Hendricks, Thomas Hampson, Christa Ludwig, Lucia Popp, Andreas Schmidt, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Wiener Philarmoniker, Helmut Wittek.
The music album was released in 1998.
Classical, Symphonic, Vocal & Symphonic album performance style.
Year of release 1998
Songs 96
Album time 15:49:28
Genre list Classical, Symphonic, Vocal & Symphonic