Jennifer LarmoreThe London Philharmonic OrchestraRyland DaviesIldebrando D'ArcangeloSimon BaileyBarry BanksMajella CullaghGabriella ColecchiaDominic NatoliGeoffrey Mitchell Choir
Listen "Bianca E Falliero (Parry - Cullagh, Larmor, D'Arcangelo)" by Jennifer Larmore, The London Philharmonic Orchestra, Ryland Davies, Ildebrando D'Arcangelo, Simon Bailey, Barry Banks, Majella Cullagh, Gabriella Colecchia, Dominic Natoli, Geoffrey Mitchell Choir.
The music album was released in 2001.
Classical, Opera album performance style.
Year of release 2001
Songs 58
Album time 03:00:48
Genre list Classical, Opera