Chicago Symphony OrchestraBerliner PhilharmonikerJessye NormanLászló PolgárGil ShahamYuri BashmetGidon KremerPierre - Laurent AimardHélène GrimaudLondon Symphony Orchestra And ChorusChicago Symphony ChorusTamara Stefanovich
Listen "Bartok - Boulez" by Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Berliner Philharmoniker, Jessye Norman, László Polgár, Gil Shaham, Yuri Bashmet, Gidon Kremer, Pierre - Laurent Aimard, Hélène Grimaud, London Symphony Orchestra And Chorus, Chicago Symphony Chorus, Tamara Stefanovich.
The music album was released in 2009.
Classical, Symphonic, Сoncerto album performance style.
Year of release 2009
Songs 87
Album time 08:56:09
Genre list Classical, Symphonic, Сoncerto