Janacek Philharmonic OrchestraStamitz QuartetIngryd ThorsonJulian ThurberKai AdomeitMarcel RoscaUrsula Füri-BernhardZagreb Philharmonic OrchestraThe Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Listen "Antonin Dvorak - The Masterworks (Brilliant Classics, 40 CD BOX SET) - Part 3" by Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra, Stamitz Quartet, Ingryd Thorson, Julian Thurber, Kai Adomeit, Marcel Rosca, Ursula Füri-Bernhard, Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
The music album was released in 2005.
Classical, Opera, Instrumental album performance style.
Year of release 2005
Songs 149
Album time 14:30:53
Genre list Classical, Opera, Instrumental